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Begriff Managed Object Format
Abkürzung MOF
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 21.01.2016

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Was ist Managed Object Format ?

Beschreibungsformat für Managed Objects (Systemressourcen) im Common Information Model (CIM) und der Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

"The Common Information Model (CIM) is described in the DMTF's Managed Object Format (MOF), a language based on IDL (the Object Management Group's Interface Definition Language). The MOF syntax is a way to describe object-oriented class and instance definitions in textual form, with the goals of human readability and parsing by a compiler. The main components of a MOF specification are textual descriptions of element qualifiers (meta-data about classes, properties, methods, etc.), comments and compiler directives, and the specific class and instance definitions that convey the semantics of the CIM Schema." (

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