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Begriff Developer Division Compatibility Council
Abkürzung DDCC
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 04.10.2012

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Was ist Developer Division Compatibility Council ?

Das Developer Division Compatibility Council (DDCC) ist eine Grupoe innerhalb der Developer Devision bei Microsoft, die auf die Kompatibiltät von .NET Framework-Versionen achtet.

"And a small group of us, the Developer Division Compatibility Council (DDCC), monitor changes made by developers. We review potential breaking changes, and help teams understand and assess the compatibility impact of new features and bug fixes. For .NET 4.5, members of DDCC reviewed every proposed breaking change, every new feature, and a majority of the bug fixes for the release." []

Querverweise zu anderen Begriffen im Lexikon

Developer Division
.NET Framework
.NET 4.5

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