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Begriff Microsoft Support Lifecycle
Abkürzung MSL
Eintrag zuletzt aktualisiert am 08.12.2015

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Was ist Microsoft Support Lifecycle ?

Der Microsoft Support Lifecycle ist eine Richtlinie von Microsoft für seine Kunden, die Auschluss darüber gibt, wie lange Microsoft ein Produkt unterstützt mit Updates, techischen Informationen und Hotlines.

Der MSL definiert:
  • 10 Jahre Unterstützung für Betriebssysteme, Geschäftsprodukte, Entwicklerprodukte.
  • 5 Jahre Unterstützung für Konsumentenprodukte und Multimedia-Produkte.
Microsoft differenziert in Mainstream Support (Updates für Funktionen und Sicherheit) und Extended Support (Updates nur noch für sicherheitskritische Fehler).

Details von

"The Microsoft Support Lifecycle (MSL) policy standardizes Microsoft product support policies for Business, Developer, and Desktop Operating System Software Products; Consumer Software and Multimedia Software Products; Hardware; and Online Services. The Support Lifecycle policy was originally announced on October 15, 2002. A Support Lifecycle policy update went into effect June 1, 2004. The Support Lifecycle policy update applies to most Business and Developer software products that were in Mainstream support on June 1, 2004, and to product versions released after that date. The new Support Lifecycle policy provides".

"Business, Developer, and Desktop Operating System Software Products

Microsoft will offer a minimum of 10 years of support for Business, Developer, and Desktop Operating System (consumer or business) Software Products. Mainstream Support for Business, Developer, and Desktop Operating Systems will be provided for 5 years or for 2 years after the successor product (N+1) is released, whichever is longer. Microsoft will also provide Extended Support for the 5 years following Mainstream support or for 2 years after the second successor product (N+2) is released, whichever is longer. Finally, most Business, Developer, and Desktop Operating System Software products will receive at least 10 years of online self-help support."

"Consumer Software and Multimedia Software Products

Microsoft will offer Mainstream Support for either a minimum of 5 years from the date of a product’s general availability, or for 2 years after the successor product (N+1) is released, whichever is longer. Extended Support is not offered for Consumer software and Multimedia products with the exception of Windows Desktop Operating system which follows the Business, Developer, and Desktop Operating System Software Products policy as outlined above."

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